

Viktig om domenenavn

Denne informasjonen gjelder kunder som har kjøpt eget domenenavn til sin Pedit.

Dere som har adresse berøres ikke av dette. Det gjelder kun dere som har valgt å ha feks istedenfor som adresse. 

Informasjonen er på engelsk, men vi satser på at dere forstår det. :)

Det kan være en IT-avdeling som sitter på rettighetene til å kontakte deres serverleverandør - men i noen tilfeller kan det også være rådmannens fullmakt som kreves. Dette må hver kunde finne ut av selv.

Kontakt oss hvis dere har spørsmål!


Server migration

In order to be able to migrate to new PedIT servers, the IP address of the DNS records need to be changed.

Your current URLS point to 88.87.33.x or 151.252.12.x using a DNS A record.

In the new situation these should point to

So the DNS A record from your pedit installation needs to be changed to

This has to happen approximately during the migration from the old servers to the new servers.

We plan to do the migration between 26th of August and 31st of August.

The process will take approximately 1 - 2 hours. During that time (or before, but then PedIT will not be available through the normal URL, until the migration has finished) the DNS record needs to be changed.

It is advisable to change the TTL (Time To Live) of your DNS server as soon as possible to something like 1800 (s, i.e. 30 minutes). After the migration this TTL can be restored to its original value. It will ensure that teh DNS record is cached at most 1800 seconds at the client machine. The default TTL is 86400 (24 hours), and so it can take up to 24 hours before a client notices the change and can use the new server if you leave this default in place.


1. Find out who manges the DNS records of your domain/PedIT. Most of the time this is your internet provider.

2. Change (or ask someone to change) the TTL of your domain to something in the order of 30 - 60 minutes (1800 - 3600) 3. At the agreed time (you will get an e-mail about that) of the migration, change (or ask someone to change) the A record of your PedIT URL/host to 4. After a successfull migration, the TTL record can be changed back to its original value.